
Showing posts from November, 2019

Dungeness- The Phone Box

On 13th November we went to Dungeness to create a short location film. The script for our project is below. It was a fantastic opportunity to use the cameras in an extremely open outside location. We were given the brief to create a two minute film around the theme of change. We had a day to come up with the idea and then write a three page script, we the shot the film in a day at Dungeness, and then edited it in a day, so it was a very quick turn around and opportunity to work under pressure. Challenges that I faced: During pre- production: During pre production one of the biggest challenges was definitely coming up with the idea on the spot. We had a few loose ideas but as we had to finalise them straight away it was hard to link them together, so we focussed on getting our characters then created the story around them. Another struggle with pre production was that we had never been to the location before so we had to rely on images from google maps to decide where we would fil

Camera Workshop Three- 180 Degrees and Single Frames

During this workshop we looked at two different areas; the 180 degree rule and storytelling with single frames to convey different feelings.  180 Degree Rule I did not know much about the 180 degree rule and what it meant, and when we went through it with Simon I realised the amount of factors that I had not previously considered, such as having an actor always screen left and the other always being screen right and this not changing otherwise the audience will be disorientated. This workshop made me realise that in the previous workshop (coverage) when we filmed the 'Margin Call' scene I had actually broke the 180 degree rule a few times and when editing it together it was very confusing, therefore this workshop was extremely useful for me and I now know the importance of not 'crossing the line.' Here is a short video that I filmed and edited together of me testing out different shots without breaking the 180 Degree Rule. Something that I found challenging was