Production Notes

Posters and letters

My production was an outside public children's play park so I wanted to make sure the public as well as my cast and crew were all safe during the shoot. To help with this I created some signs that stated 'filming in progress' that I placed around the outside of the park, this was so that any members of public coming in would know that I am filming and to be cautious of the area. I also typed out letters explaining that filming would be taking place and gave them to all the local houses a few days before so they knew what was happening. In one of my scenes there was a scream so I wanted to warn local residents of this, I would definitely do this again in future if I was filming something similar.

Shot List and Storyboard

Looking back now my shot list was very rough and I wish it was more detailed, it was three pages long and I have posted a picture of a page of it below. I was very worried about lighting due to the time of the shoot so I did not want to decide in too much detail in advance and then not be able to shoot them due to low lighting. I did create a basic shot list and this did help immensely on the day of shoot however it would have been a lot more helpful if I had of elaborated more on what I wanted shot wise, as when creating it I knew what I meant but then during production some parts did not make sense and it was hard for my crew to understand it. In future I would lay it out differently maybe in a spreadsheet and make it a lot more precise with detailed shot descriptions such as 'long shot of May slowly climbing down frame from right side' rather than 'long shot of May', this would have definitely helped speed of the production process on the shoot day.

Preparation for the shoot

When preparing for the shoot in the week or so before I sent an email with exact location to my actors (Imogens mum) and the time that they had to be there. I also sent them copies of the script so they could become familiar with the lines, this helped during production as they did not need to read through their lines before filming each scene. I sent the parking location to both actors and sent them a screenshot on google maps so they knew exactly where they had to be, this helped with organisation as it meant they were not turning up looking for somewhere to park and we could get straight into the shoot as we were limited with light time before it got dark.

Prop and Cast list

I created a rough prop and cast list a couple of weeks before production to decide exactly what I needed to get before the sheet in case I had to buy anything online and I wanted to let my actors know what they would need to wear incase they needed me to get anything. In future if I needed more props I would create a more formal list with where I would find them and what they were needed for etc but as I only needed a couple I did not worry too much.


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