Analysis of relevant live news item
During this analysis, I will look at the ITV's Good Morning Britain live news segment "Students Open Their A-Level Results Live on GMB." It was live at 8am on the 13th August 2020 and followed students looking at their A level results, after not being able to sit exams due to coronavirus. It uses multiple different platforms to show what is happening, there are presenters in the studio, and a correspondent on location with students. This jam-packed live news piece is presented in different ways and gave me a great opportunity to take influence from it as we are also shooting ours during the pandemic. Our live news segment will interview University students in person, and cover online learning and how they feel about it. The ITV Broadcast is relevant to our Live News Broadcast as it is filmed socially distanced with students during a pandemic, just as we will. I looked at the first 4 minutes and 20 seconds of the broadcast as this was the section that was most relevant to...