Project evaluation

When reflecting on this project, it was definitely the most challenging, and rewarding unit. I have overcome obstacles that I did not think would be possible, such as being able to create a News channel and brand during a pandemic, or understanding how to use Adobe After Effects. Being able to work on this project as Producer, Reporter, Brand/ Graphic Designer, and Covid-19 Supervisor, but also working with George and Jacob was a privilege, and I will take what I have learnt with me throughout all of my future projects. 

During this project, I have faced challenges in my own life, however this reinforced to me that life goes on and completing this project was difficult, yet I feel extremely proud of myself and my group that we have managed to overcome all of our challenges. 

Pre production:

Coming up with the idea

The first stage of this unit consisted of coming up with our Television news idea. We knew that this was something that we had to do quickly as with television news there are "fast turnarounds." (Boyd, 2008:249) We weighed up the logistics of each idea together as a group and decided on what would be the best with "quality, relevance, timelines and accuracy" of the news story we will report on. (Hughes, 2008: 153). After this we could develop it into more of a story to report on for the News package and Live Broadcast. 

What was Successful?

Something that I feel that I succeeded in when coming up with the idea was being able to plan an idea quickly. I was able to mind map out a plan for each one which helped me to visualise how each idea would appeal to an audience and whether it will work as a successful news story. Using a mind map was a great way to quickly consider "quality, relevance, timelines and accuracy" (Hughes, 2008: 153). Being able to visualise an idea quickly in this way and seeing if it will work, was also good for television news and "working under fast time pressures" (Chesterton, 2009:202). 

What was not Successful? 

Something I was not so good at was researching similar news stories to see if there were any that were too similar to our idea. I felt that I found looking at other television news programmes extremely useful, however finding them was more of a challenge. I researched across multiple different news platforms, however most news programmes only stay on their websites for 24 hours. To help with me with, I went to Youtube and found playlists of specific news stories, I could then search in these playlists for news videos similar to some of the ideas that we had and this enabled me to take inspiration from then conventions when developing our own idea. In future when watching videos to help with influencing my own work and finding ones that are relevant, I will go straight to the Youtube playlists feature and look through it.

What will I take with me?

When coming up with ideas in the future for factual television, the first thing that I will do when I have a very simple idea structure is look at the "quality, relevance, timelines and accuracy" straight away (Hughes, 2008: 153). This is so that I am able to test if it will work well before spending anytime on it so that I can manage my time efficiently.


As producer, it was my role to source the contributors for our news piece. This was a task that was more challenging than I first anticipated, however I have learnt a lot from it that will be useful for the future. There were two videos to find contributors for; our News Package, and our Live Broadcast. My main goal after analysing television news was to have an equal representation of contributors. Even though we have decided that our target audience was 18-50 year olds, I still wanted to make our films and branding relevant to everyone so that they "relate to their own familiarities" when viewing. (Boyd, 2008:77) I found most contributors through creating a survey about the app that I placed onto Facebook to get others thoughts and feelings, I then contacted those that I thought would fit best with our documentary.

What was Successful? 

I do feel happy with the contributors that I managed to find for this unit, especially in the news package, as it was during a global pandemic therefore there were multiple limitations in place. I managed to find a plethora of ages, ethnicities and genders to feature as our contributors as I feel this accurately represents our society in the UK. This made me feel very pleased as our producer as I did feel that I had fulfilled my rule of finding contributors to reflect our brand, that also fit well with our news stories as they were "identifying individuals who made telling contributions." (Chesterton, 2009:202)

What was not Successful? 

An aspect that did not turn out how I had planned for it to was with contributors for the Live Broadcast. Although they still represent a mix of ages and gender, the three contributors are all white and this is something that I really wanted to avoid. I aimed to have more of a variety of ethnicities featured in it, however due to the coronavirus restrictions and wanting to film the live broadcast in person, we only had access to those on our course as we are in a bubble with them. Unfortunately, those on my course are all white therefore we did not have an option to hear from any other ethnicities in this news segment. Although there was nothing that I could do, this made me feel sad as I really wanted to represented as many people as possible from the UK on our News channel.

What will I take with me?

On future projects I will again make sourcing contributors that represent different people a priority to enable that our viewers can "relate to their own familiarities" when watching. (Boyd, 2008:77) As Producer, I thoroughly enjoyed sourcing contributors, especially by creating the survey for research first as this allowed me to look at others opinions and decide which contributors will fit best. 

Fig. 1 Contributors (2020)


As Producer and Reporter, it was my job to write our scripts. This was something that I did find particularly challenging due to never scripting for news before and wanting to make it as engaing as possible for our viewer. 

What was Successful? 

When looking through the script I feel happy with it and please that I managed to write it as it was something that I initially struggled with. An aspect that I feel was particularly successful was that I managed to create something that was "simple, but requires lots of thought and planning." (Boyd, 2008:263) I feel that this phrase perfectly sums up with the scriptwriting process for me as when reading the script it is simple yet effective due to my use of language techniques that I learnt through scripting lectures and the My UCA slides. I felt pleased with the finished script and when hearing it in the Teaser, News package, and Live OB, I do feel that I have succeeded in writing something that is informative and engaging. Also managing to write it quickly was successful as writing is an aspect of television production that I find tricky, but with "working under fast time pressures" with Television News, I had to write quickly. (Chesterton, 2009:202). 

What was not Successful? 

With scriptwriting, a challenge that I did face was using a variety of vocabulary throughout it, especially in the news package. At the time I did struggle with thinking of many different ways to phrase things to keep it engaging. Therefore I used a Thesaurus to help me and on the whole it did. Despite this, looking back there were some words such as 'however' that I definitely use too much and it makes the voice over sound a little repetitive. Hence in future I would get someone else to proof read the script, and if I feel that I have said a word or phrase too many times, I will alter it. 

What will I take with me?

I have learnt a lot from script writing and it is something that I would like to continue working on as I still have lots to learn. I also realise nw how important scripting is when creating television news as it is much more than just writing a voice over or some information down for someone to read,  it is "about cherishing the pictures and sound and adding to them with the words." (Boyd, 2008:263). A script is the one thing that holds everything together, and I have realised this now, so in future I will think a lot more about how to plan a script that will again be engaging and informative, while preventing repeating phrases or words too many times. 


As Producer it was my job to find the locations that we will be shooting in. Due to the current coronavirus restrictions, there were many limitations in place. Despite this I really do feel that we made the best of the options that we had sourcing them was something that I particularly enjoyed. Locations are important as they are not just a background, but locations help to enhance the message. (Chapman, 2009:97) This emphasises the importance of location sourcing and and made me feel happy with what I had achieved to find. 

What was Successful? 

The locations that we used for the News package were particularly successful and resourceful. Due to the UK entering another national lockdown just before the shoot week, all of our outside locations had fallen through and this was were the majority of our News package was due to be filmed. I feel that as Producer I was quite quick thinking with locations as within a day of finding out about the lockdown, I had completely rearranged all of our shots and where they were going to be filmed. Doing this quickly worked well with television news and its "fast turnarounds." (Boyd, 2008:249)  I came up with the idea of using the television production base room to film in as with was available to us still even during the lockdown. We rearranged some of the furniture to make it appear to be different locations, this felt very resourceful as we were making the best of what we had access to. 

What was not Successful? 

A location that also had to be changed at the last minute was for the Live Broadcast, this was a shame as we were planning to film students outside of a University, but this had to change also due to the restrictions. We again planned to film inside the base room and even though this was successfully using what was available to us and we were lucky to still be able to shoot in person. Its was a shame as the "location contributes to the overall feel of the piece"(Chapman, 2008:208) and we wanted the Live Broadcast to emphasise that multiple students were having to adapt to online learning and I strongly believe that filming this outside would have emphasised it even more. There was nothing that we could do, however it was a shame that we were unable to go ahead with the outside shoot. We had also planned to film cutaways in a local park run by the council. I contacted Kent Film Office and they declined our offer due to the possibility of the filming attracting an audience which could break the Covid-19 restrictions. This was a shame to have it declined, yet it was a good learning experience as it taught me that it is important to always get permission from a location as they are not always available. 

What will I take with me?

In future projects, I will remember to try my hardest to source locations that will enhance the message (Chapman, 2009:97) of the news piece. To do this I will consider what the location "contributes to the overall feel of the piece"(Chapman, 2008:208) and then decide if it will work well for us. Also when coronavirus has hopefully gone it will be a lot easier to source locations, but there is always the possibility that they will fall through. 


As Producer it was my role to complete all necessary paperwork for our group. The paperwork stage is something that I particularly enjoy as one of my strengths in Television Production is definitely being organised therefore the paperwork is a stage where I feel I work particularly well in. 

What was Successful? 

To help me to keep myself and my group organised I created a Google Drive Folder, this is where I could store any documents for our News Production so that everyone can access them and also so that they are updates liv as they are on a google platform. This was particularly successful as I could keep my group up to date on all paperwork and the progress that we were making, it also meant that they could check any documents at their own convenience rather than having to ask me to send them, hence it also helped with our communication. (Ward, 2009:128) Another aspect of paperwork that was successful was how prepared we were. I had made multiple documents, graphs, tables, and spreadsheets for our group to ensure that all possibilities had be planned out in case anything goes wrong to save time with the "fast turnarounds" in television news. (Boyd, 2008:249) Having this level of organisation did help our process to run smoothly, and as a group we did face hurdles that we were not expecting to, but we were prepared to "throw plan A out of the window" (Boyd, 2020) and always had our plan B ready. For example, when we realised that we had to change majority of out locations, I had already completed the relevant paperwork for our backups which allowed us to save time which was particularly useful with "fast turnarounds." (Boyd, 2008:249) 

What was not Successful? 

The only part of paperwork that we had challenged with was getting our contributors to complete the relevant forms. Due to having to send them virtually I created a basic template form for them so that it was simple for our contributors to fill them in and email them back. Despite this, it was harder to get the contributors to complete the forms as normally they can do it in person on the day of the shoot on paper. Sending them over email meant that I had to chase a couple of contributors to complete them and send them back as I was worried that we would not receive them and we were "working under fast time pressures"(Chesterton, 2009:202). Even though this was a challenge, it gave me experience as a Producer for needing to receive documents, and allowed me to practice with sending emails to contributors to ask for the forms, which will be a useful experience in the long run. 

What will I take with me?

In the future, I will always remember when working on any project how crucial it is to be "organised and well managed" (Chapman, 2009:76) as possible as it helped us so much with this project. It allowed us to stick to our deadlines, have good communication, and also have back up plans in place. I will also take into consideration that when sending forms to be completed via email, that I should allow extra time for them to be completed. Having such "fast turnarounds." (Boyd, 2008:249) meant that we had to be this prepared otherwise we would have fallen behind, so I will definitely remember this for the future. 

Fig. 2 Google drive folder (2020)


Pitching was something that I did feel a little apprehensive of, however I think this is to be expected due to the nature of it. We created a treatment to accompany our pitch, and this allowed us to have visual stimulas to show Beth whilst each of us spoke. We all worked on our own slides and sections of the pitch, however we rehearsed it together and this was useful as it meant that in the actual pitch it could run smoothly with us passing over to each other after we had spoken. This was something that we had positive feedback on, which therefore made it feel successful. 

What was Successful? 

I think the aspect that I feel was most successful for myself during the pitch was the was that I displayed visuals on each slide and then summarised it with speaking some information in an open and optimistic tone. Beth commented that this felt engaging and interesting, and this made me happy as I had tried to "encapsulate the idea in a few words." (Kinsey, 2020:264) Beth also mentioned that she liked the way that I described all of the brand research that I had carried out, as well as the safety measures that I had put into place for coronavirus. This made me feel very positive about fulfilling my roles, and when pitching in future I will try to do something similar. 

What was not Successful? 

Something that did not go so well during the pitch was that we did not discuss much online research, we had carried this out, although we did not mention it during the pitch or how it impacted out work. Afterwards I realised how important this was as watching News programmes has massively impacted our news pieces, hence when pitching in the future and creating treatments, I will ensure to always add a slide covering research and the impacts of it.  

What will I take with me?

In the future, I will definitely rehearse with the group before as I did with this pitch, as it was a great opportunity to give each other feedback and to help to improve the "flow of information." (Chapman, 2009:74)  It also enabled us to alter anything that did not quite make sense and was a useful and something that I will do again in the future. I will also make sure that slides are full of visuals to in order to keep it engaging. 

Finally a huge challenge that we faced during the Pre Production stage was myself becoming unwell. I suffered with cold like symptoms for a few days so stayed at home, however my throat progressively got worse to the point where I passed out and had to see a GP, I was on very strong medicine and was told to rest for at least a week as I had developed a severe case of Tonsilitis. When working in news we were "working under fast time pressures" (Chesterton, 2009:202). Therefore I was not going to let tonsilitis hold me back too much and still managed to complete most pre production work whilst recovering. Nevertheless this was a big challenge that we faced but luckily I had scheduled us in with leeway time which meant that we did not fall behind. This particularly emphasised that "nothing in life comes easy" (Chapman, 2009:4) as it is just part of the process and life always goes on whilst creating films. This is a valuable lesson that I will take forward with me for future projects. 


The Online Interviews

For our news package, we completed two online interviews that we were using as "Vox Pops with members of the public" (Mitchell, 2009:121). We recorded these on all three of our computers, and I recorded an over the shoulder shot with my DSLR. 

What was Successful? 

Something that felt really successful on the day of the shoot was the schedule that I had created as Producer. I had made it very detailed, allowing time for reviewing footage, having breaks and preparing contributors. I wanted to avoid the conventional "chaotic news schedule"(Chesterton, 2009:196) as although we are "working under fast time pressures"(Chesterton, 2009:202), I wanted to allow us to have enough time to do everything needed on the shoot day, therefore I made an very detailed schedule for us that we just managed to stick to. This was really successful as it meant that we did not have to rush anything, and even though things did go wrong, we had leeway with time to sort them out. Hence as Producer I felt pleased at the end of the day that we managed to stick to our timings and successfully get everything done. 

What was not Successful? 

An aspect that was definitely did not go to plan as my tripod breaking during the shoot. During one of the online interviews, I was filming an over the shoulder shot with my DSLR which was set up on a tripod. A challenge that I faced was that around thirty seconds into the interview, the head of my tripod slipped forwards meaning that myself and the contributor on my laptop had fallen fully out of frame. In television news, it is very normal to have to quickly "change your plan" (Jones, 2009:179). Despite this I was worried that we would have to reshoot the interview and it felt very successful which made me concerned that now the contributor has heard the exact questions, it may not go the same way again. However, we came up with a great solution. The over the shoulder shot only required me to nod my head as the contributor speaks, so if I used the screen recording full screen on my mac and sat in the same position and watched it through and responded as I would as if it were live, it would look as if it is real footage over my shoulder from the interview, and this worked perfectly. Before we found the solution I did try not to "provoke panic"(Kinsey, 2009:166) but I was stressed as I was trying to rapidly think of a solution. Worrying probably was not the best thing to do straight away, so in future I will try to remain calm as it is easier to think of a solution that way. This was a great learning curve though to show that something drastic can go wrong, but a simple solution can allow it to go unnoticed. 

What will I take with me?

In future online interviews something that I will most definitely take forward with me is allowing time at the beginning. Technology is great, however it does come with its drawbacks of internet issues or platforms crashing. I did allow fifteen minutes for this at the beginning of the interview and we did not run over this, but we also did not have any issues. This leads me to think that if there were any technological issues as there so easily can be, then we possibly could have ran over and into our interview time. This would not have been good as we were already "working under fast time pressures" (Chesterton, 2009:202).  Furthermore, in future when completing online interviews I will alway add a little extra time to scheduling to allow for any issues that may occur. 

Fig. 3 Online Interview  (2020)

The Live Broadcast

The Live Broadcast was shot in the Base room, this was a good location for us and luckily we got to interview three contributors in person. The day was very jam-packed so we had to work quickly, which is always the way with television news in order to get everything done. 

What was Successful? 

Something that was very successful was the filming of the live broadcast itself. We managed to get it right quickly and also fit it perfectly within the time constraints. Filming live gave me such a buzz and was very exciting and like nothing that I had done before. Again, we were "working under fast time pressures" (Chesterton, 2009:202), but I do not feel that we struggled with this. I really enjoyed shooting live and when researching found that it is important when filming a live broadcast to be in an appropriate location. (Beaman, 2020:98) I also feel that we achieved this successfully as we were filming about students, and we were in a University base room, therefore reflecting the news story. In the future, this has definitely inspired me to film more live television as it is exciting and has a fast pace to it which feels very fulfilling when you are a Producer. 

What was not Successful? 

Personally, something that I had not really considered is that with filming live, it is not going to be perfect. if someone stumbles over their response or answer, it does not matter as it is just natural. If something does go wrong and it still likes right, then it is okay and does not need to be re shot (Harcup, 2009:250). I feel that sometimes I am a bit of a perfectionist and with live television this does not mix well. However now I have seen the finished product of the live broadcast, I am so happy with it and there are very few things that I would want to change. Even though it did not feel perfect at the time, it has taught me to trust the process for the future. 

What will I take with me?

In the future, I know that when filming live to expect anything and to go along with it. I also know how much of a buzz it is and how exciting it is too. (Chesterton, 2009:202)

Being a Reporter

For the News Package and Live Broadcast I was the reporter. It was my job to build a relationship between the viewer and the News, and I believe that I successfully fulfilled this role in the final product. (Chapman, 2008:8) 

What was Successful? 

As a reporter, I think that I was successful when interviewing contributors online, this was because I had prepared questions and knew that if something went wrong it could be edited out. I followed the UCA slides on how to create successful interview questions and always ensure that they were open ended, to extract as much information from the contributor (Beaman, 2009:99). This was successful as for the online interviews we had around fifteen minutes of footage for each one, and we only needed around thirty seconds so I managed to extract a lot. I felt that I was successful as a reporter here and managed to inform the audience of all that they needed to know whilst keeping it engaging as I used a friendly tone which Beth described as "fantastic" in our fine cut feedback. 

What was not Successful? 

Something that I was apprehensive about was being a reporter for the Live Broadcast. This was due to being on the spot and responding to contributors when they could answer with anything. To help to prepare for this I sat with Jacob and asked him some quick fire questions that were random to help me with knowing how to respond to a contributor. Although this was useful, when shooting the real thing I feel I did okay, but at one particular point I interrupted Luke, which was not good as he might have said more. However we were "working under fast time pressures" (Chesterton, 2009:202). Reporting is something that I would like to learn more about, and definitely practice more in the future. 

Fig. 4 Live broadcast (2020)

Post Production:

Even though my roles did not technically fall under the Post production stages as much as with the Pre production stages, I still wanted to fully support George and Jacob and therefore still gave my maximum effort to help with anything that they needed me to help with. 

What was Successful? 

I strongly feel that due to the high level of planning from our group before filming, we had everything in place so that when it came to the edit it could be completed efficiently to help with "fast turnarounds." (Boyd, 2008:249) During our rough cut, Beth commented on how our News package was already "Visually engaging with the use of graphics" and this made me feel pleased because as the graphics designer that was my exact intention. Beth also commented on the script being "great" and for myself this was a huge milestone, because as mentioned previously this is something that I have struggled with in the past, so to have Beth compliment it felt very rewarding. During the Fine Cut we discussed how the branding is continuous throughout all News platforms which again made me happy, and that it also feels professional. 

What was not Successful? 

The post production stage was probably the most stressful due to everything coming together but having to work with the "fast turnarounds" of television news. (Boyd, 2008:249) When reflecting on this stage as Producer, I feel that I should have implemented smaller deadlines for us, this was because multiple videos as well as the website were being completed at once and it became a little confusing with knowing where we were with everything towards the end just because it felt quite hectic. To prevent this from happening again, I could introduce smaller deadlines so that everything is completed in stages. When receiving feedback for our cut, something that Beth mentioned was that the over the shoulder shot in my home of me sat at my desk had makeup brushes in the background and this was slightly distracting. Due to it being close to our deadline we were unable to re shoot, but nevertheless it was very useful to know as in future I will ensure to check everything in the frame and consider if anything could make that audiences mind wander anywhere. Finally, Beth mentioned that the "Tell" in our "Teach, Tell, Value" phrase in the Teaser felt a little didactic. As the scriptwriter, my thought behind this was that it stood for 'telling our audience information about technology in a broken day way that is easy to understand' as well as 'telling our audience how technology affects them'. Despite this, after hearing Beths feedback if we had of had more time I would have re phrased this or used a different word to avoid it sounding one-way to the audience. 

What will I take with me?

I feel that the biggest lesson that I learnt in post production was the importance of planning beforehand for the edit. We had already created a script which highlighted editing, as well as myself as Producer creating a whole folder full of resources for Jacob to use when editing. In future I would do this again, but would also set smaller deadlines for the editing so that can can make sure that we are not behind on anything. 

Being a Producer:

Having the role of Producer really is something that I thoroughly enjoy. It allows me to use my organisational skills in an effective way, and keep my group on track throughout the whole project. After completing this unit, I do not feel that the Producer has specific stages to work on, but is in fact there for the whole process to guide and support the group, which I feel is one of my strengths. As Producer on this unit, my biggest weakness was probably with writing our script. Even though I am happy with the outcome, it is something that I want to put a lot more work into as I did really enjoy Television News and it is always best to maximise my skills so in the future months I am going to practice writing some News Package scripts for my own benefit. On the other hand, I feel my main strength was keeping everyone organised. I created folders for our group to use and easily communicate with, and the most effective thing that I probably did was "utilising the system of email communication" (Hemminway, 2009:79). The night before every shoot, I would email anyone involved in the shoot the next day with the Call Sheet, the Schedule, the Risk Assessment, the Covid safety document, and finally a Google Health form to proove that everyone was safe to work on the set. This simple task was so effective as it meant that everyone had all relevant information that they needed for the shoot at the top of their inbox on the shoot day for easy access. George and Jacob, as well as a Contributor even commented on this being helpful and this made me feel that I had successfully fulfilled my role. On future projects, this is definitely something that I will ensure to pursue.  

Fig. 5 An Email that I sent (2020)


One of my roles was to be our branding researching and Graphic Designer. I used multiple tools to help me from the initial stage of research, to finally bringing the branding and graphics to life. 

What was Successful? 

My biggest success was probably learning how to use Adobe After Effects and Adobe Photoshop. I really had to push myself to be able to understand how to work them and this was tough with "fast turnarounds." (Boyd, 2008:249). However it definitely payed off as I produced a plethora of still graphics and a branding style for TTV that I feel very pleased with. Creating the logo was probably my biggest accomplishment, this was because I put a large level of time into it and I wanted to create something that we could use across all platforms that would "gain audience loyalty by establishing a clear identity"(Boyd, 2008:138). I am really happy with how all graphics turned out, and myself and Jacob developed a strong system for creating moving ones. I made a document with briefs in and each design, which he was able to the bring to life. This system worked brilliantly and enabled us to work efficiently; it is something I would also use again in the future. 

What was not Successful? 

If we would have had more time, something that I would have worked on more would have definitely been the website design and then Youtube channel banner. Due to having to work at a fast pace because of television news and putting a lot of time into the logo, it meant that I could not spend as long on the website design. Although it still does contain all conventions of a News website platform that I discovered during my research. I could have thought more about graphics that we could have created for each page, so this is something that I will consider for next time.

What will I take with me?

I will definitely create another survey again in the future when creating branding as it was such a big help for me and also was feedback from our audience so I was able to consider what our target viewers will want to see. I would also create a mood board again in the future as this was useful with branding as when creating the briefs for all branding and graphics to create, I was able to visualise what colours work well together by having the logo write in front of me. 

Fig. 6 Mood Board (2020)

Fig. 7 Live Sign (2020)

Fig. 8 Logo that I created (2020)

Fig. 9 Google form (2020)

Fig. 10 Website (2020)

Fig. 11 Youtube channel (2020)

Biggest Challenge:

We did face a few challenges during this process, but personally I believe the biggest one that we faced was having the hard drive corrupt. This happened exactly one week before the hand in and we lost around half of our footage. It was one of the only set backs that we had not thought through as only Jacob had a copy of that half of the footage. At the time, this felt extremely stressful, especially as Producer as I had to redo Risk Assessments and Schedules, along with other production paperwork, and I also had to re book the kit and the base room and hope that our contributors would be free again to film the live. Although I was very concerned to start with, I got straight on with completing the paperwork and making sure that everything falls into place. Something that we really succeeded in was making sure that rather than worrying about fixing the broken hard drive, we focussed on preparing for the re shoot. This meant that absolutely no time was wasted at all during the process. When looking back, I am now quite glad that this happened, this is due to the valuable lesson that I have learned from it which is making sure that we always, always, always back up edits as well as footage multiple times with multiple people to make sure that we never have this issue again.

Biggest Success:

I feel that we had many successes during this Unit, but overall, if I had to state one it would be our great level of communication and working so well as a team. The three of us were all constantly updating each other with the progress that we had each made, and supporting each other with any difficulties we were facing in the unit. If there were moments where any of us felt that we needed extra support, we would stand up to help. Working so well as a team enabled us to have a positive space when planning, shooting, and working in post production. We also created documents to help each other, for example when Jaocb was editing myself and George created a list where we could add any extra ideas in post production. Jacob was then able to add any changes that he had made and it was a really good way for us all to communicate. When working on future projects, this unit has taught how good it has to have a fully motivated and passionate team that all work hard for each other. 

Another huge success that I personally had was with the graphics and branding. When looking at the start to finish process with the research level that I put into the branding, along with the logo and other still graphics that I created, I feel really proud. I had never used Adobe Photoshop before, and had had little practice with Adobe After Affects, so the fact that I now understand them well and can create high quality graphics in them definitely show progress. 

Finally, I believe one of our biggest successes was creating the amount and level of content that we did during a pandemic. This caused many limitations with locations, contributors and restrictions changing all the time. Despite this, we certainly did not let it hold us back at all and created the best content that we possible could and this is something that I will never forget. As the Covid-19 Supervisor, I feel that overall I succeeded in my role as I created documents to send in emails to everyone involved in our shoots to know how to stay safe, as well as health forms to complete on the morning of each shoot. These little touched made me feel happy that I had done all that I could to prevent any risk and I will use them again in the future if we are filming under coronavirus restrictions. 


In conclusion, this has probably been the most challenging unit so far, due to "fast turnarounds." (Boyd, 2008:249) and having three videos, as well as an online platform, and branding and graphics to create. On the other hand, it has been the most exciting unit as when reflecting on this unit I feel immensely proud that we managed to create this during a pandemic. We also have worked so well as a group and have all worked so very hard to pull it off. Our communication and support for each other was impeccable, and without this our final result would not have been possible to create. I have learned lessons in the last seven weeks that I know I will take with me throughout not only the rest of my degree, but my life as a whole. I have understood how to face challenges in life and challenges in work at the same time without needing a break, and if anything allowing it to let me strive forwards. I have enjoyed this unit very much, and am looking forward to what the future holds when it comes to Television News. 

Link to our Website:

List of Illustrations: 

Fig. 1 Emmerson, S. (2020) Contributors[Screenshot] In possession of: the author: Kent. 

Fig. 2 Emmerson, S. (2020) Google drive folder[Screenshot] In possession of: the author: Kent. 

Fig. 3 Emmerson, S. (2020) Online Interview[Screenshot] In possession of: the author: Kent. 

Fig. 4 Emmerson, S. (2020) Live broadcast[Screenshot] In possession of: the author: Kent. 

Fig. 5 Emmerson, S. (2020) An Email that I sent. [Screenshot] In possession of: the author: Kent. 

Fig. 6 Emmerson, S. (2020) Mood Board[Screenshot] In possession of: the author: Kent. 

Fig. 7 Emmerson, S. (2020) Live sign[Screenshot] In possession of: the author: Kent. 

Fig. 8 Emmerson, S. (2020) Logo that I created[Screenshot] In possession of: the author: Kent. 

Fig. 9 Emmerson, S. (2020) Google form [Screenshot] In possession of: the author: Kent. 

Fig. 10 Emmerson, S. (2020) Website[Screenshot] In possession of: the author: Kent. 

Fig. 11 Emmerson, S. (2020) Youtube channel[Screenshot] In possession of: the author: Kent. 


Boyd, A (2008) Broadcast Journalism: Techniques of Radio and Television News. [online] At: (Accessed on 27.11.2020)

Hughes. (2009) Broadcast Journalism: A Critical Introduction. [online] At: (Accessed on 30.11.2020)

Chesterton, F. (2009) Broadcast Journalism: A Critical Introduction. [online] At: (Accessed on 30.11.2020)

Chapman, J. (2009) Broadcast Journalism: A Critical Introduction. [online] At: (Accessed on 30.11.2020)

Ward, M. (2009) Broadcast Journalism: A Critical Introduction. [online] At: (Accessed on 30.11.2020)

Kinsey, M. (2009) Broadcast Journalism: A Critical Introduction. [online] At: (Accessed on 30.11.2020)

Mitchell, L. (2009) Broadcast Journalism: A Critical Introduction. [online] At: (Accessed on 30.11.2020)

Jones, N. (2009) Broadcast Journalism: A Critical Introduction. [online] At: (Accessed on 30.11.2020)

Beaman, J. (2009) Broadcast Journalism: A Critical Introduction. [online] At: (Accessed on 30.11.2020)

Harcup. (2009) Broadcast Journalism: A Critical Introduction. [online] At: (Accessed on 30.11.2020)


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